Evangelie naar Lucas
- War on earth. Benedictus
A.D. MCMLXXIX. Encounter 5
(nr. 1, December 1979), p. 1.
The principal enemies in
the Benedictus are not the Romans. Zechariah and his wife
were law-abiding citizens, giving due respect to the
Roman authorities. The song Zechariah sings, is of the
Holy War - war against Satan, sin and everything that
holds men back from a perfect relationship with God. He
knows that the Messiah will win that war one day, for
this is the sacred promise of the covenant.
- Lukas en kersfeit:
Reformasie teenoor Rewolusie. Kerk
en Woord 26 (nr. 12, December
1978), pp. 285-286.
Soms is oor Luk. 2 so
gespreek: Augustus se ryk staan teenoor Christus
se ryk, Augustus se registrasie teenoor Christus
se registrasie. Dit is onjuis. Het ons wel daaraan gedink
wat dit beteken het dat Josef na die census in
Betlehem gegaan het? Daardeur het hy die Romeinse keiser
erken. Lukas laat sien hoe die huis van Dawid die Caesar
in Rome erken. En - dat die kerk dit ook doen.
- The Tempel in the Gospel
according to Luke. Neotestamentica
7 (1973), pp. 49-59.
Luke shows how the
glory of Jahweh has come in Christ to the temple. But the
temple and its servants have rejected it. Israel has
chosen sides with terrorists (Barabbas) ... a point that
will have been very meaningful for Theophilus. The
transformation of the temple area into a Jewish army
camp, will call destruction upon the city and the nation.
This will not come by fate. In these happenings the
sovereignity of the Son of man will be revealed. He
procures justice for his church which is tormented by the
Sanhedrin in Jerusalem and the synagogues in the whole
Roman world.